39 Weeks and Baby Not Moving as Much

KAT K(17)

Kat K(17)

15/06/2012 at 11:54 am

Hiya! I am 39 weeks today and the baby had been really quiet since i woke up. I did felt it moved but very light/weak. I read somewhere that the rule that if I didn't feel the baby move ten times a hour, or is it all day? And also even if i feel the baby's movement but very weak and easily missed, does that mean something wrong?

I tried to google but mixed of info - some said that since that i am 39 weeks, the baby won't be moving much at all but this baby had been very active up until yesterday? Also some said it s because the labour is near!

I can't phone midwife as i am deaf myself but will ask someone to call or just pop down to midwife clinic which is only ten mins walk from here.

I had a coffee which often got the baby going. Not working, so going to try very cold drink.


I'm sorry I can't remember the exact rule I was told when I was pregnant but I presume that even if you feel the movements are reduced compared to normal you should speak to your midwife so she can reassure you if nothing else.

I think it would be wise just in case :)


Jo 74nre

15/06/2012 at 11:54 am

I wouldnt wait i would get myself down to clinic, doctors or hospital,

yes it is true they do slow down a little but the odd foot poking out or something should happen.

GO NOW[smilie=018.gif]



15/06/2012 at 11:56 am

I think it is 10 movements a day but i don't count and never have!

I should imagine that baby is OK if you are feeling slight movements. However, for peace of mind i'm sure the midwife wont mind you popping in!

Lets hope that baby has slowed down as he or she is getting ready to put in an appearance .

Good luck! Let us know how you get on.



15/06/2012 at 11:57 am

Its 10 times a day, and it could be because your near to labour because they can change their routine of movement if youre really close, but iw ould head down to the clinic just to make sure! dont walk too fast though as if you are close to labour and this is why the babys not moving much, it could set you off!



15/06/2012 at 11:58 am

I'd definately go and see your midwife so they can listen for the heartbeat to be on the safe side, but at the same time try not to panic. At 39 weeks your LO doesnt have much room to move about, so theyre probably just having a rest, but go and get it checked ASAP!

SARAH C(3849)

Sarah C(3849)

15/06/2012 at 11:59 am

They say ten movements a day but I'd def get checked out I remember being told its a complete myth that the baby slows down before labour, so very dangerous my ds was still doing acrobatics right up until he was born


HELEN B(652)

Helen B(652)

15/06/2012 at 11:59 am

Thanks so much for replying. Am getting worried now. Think I will go down to see midwife. better to be safe than sorry!



15/06/2012 at 11:59 am

Hi :hug:

This happened to me with DD.

I rang delivery suite and they told me to have a warm bath, have an ice cold drink and eat something sweet like chocolate

Nothing happened, so they asked me to go in to be monitored. Thankfully as I walked out the door she woke up and everything was fine. I'd been on my feet all day and they told me the movement had probably put her to sleep ;)

So I would do the above and if all that doesn't work get someone to phone Delivery Suite for you and they may ask you to go in.

I'm sure it'll be fine

Keep us posted xx :hug:

HELEN B(652)

Helen B(652)

15/06/2012 at 8:07 pm

Hey there!

Update!- I went down to the maternity clinic, no one were there at all despite they saying that they r open everyday until 4.30pm. Lucky my doctors was in same building as the maternity clinic. So thought no harm in asking them. I went in, they were great, managed to find a doctor. He found the heartbeat straightaway. They also managed to get hold of my own midwife. She came around, checked the heartbeat, poking at the baby, still not moving. So she told me to go to hospital for monitoring. Ekkk panicking phoning someone to pick up my kids from school and someone to take me to hosp as my hubby works a hour and half away. All sorted quickly. My best friend took me over. The monitoring s supposed to take 20 mins, but they kept extending it as the baby was really quiet, possibly sleeping. A bit of poking and got me to lie on my left side, the baby finally gave a weak kick and the monitioring graph showed that baby is s moving. They were satisfied that the baby s just being lazy today and let me out on instruction that if the baby still not moving much over the weekend, I have to go back.

HELEN B(652)

Helen B(652)

24/06/2012 at 7:44 am


Just want to update this for the future netmums worrying abt the same thing. Over the weekend, the baby was pretty quiet, I felt her movements was rather different, like as if the baby had moved into different position than usual......and on Monday, I went into labour and had a gorgeous baby girl! So I am guessing the baby was getting into launch position and prepared to be born hence the reason she was so quiet! :-) x

SARAH S(1374)

Sarah S(1374)

24/06/2012 at 8:46 am


Always best to get things checked out MV's etc, don't mind better to be safer than sorry.

Looks like she was saving her strength for the Journey of life :hiya:



24/06/2012 at 9:00 am

Congrats on your little girl


sandra m(144)

24/06/2012 at 9:13 am

as i was reading your thread i was thinking you must have had you baby by now, happy to see everything went well.
i had the same thing happen to me twice, with my first i was kept in and they decided to induce me in the morning, i went in to labour the night before, but i agree always go and see mw if there is any change in baby's movements.

39 Weeks and Baby Not Moving as Much

Source: https://www.netmums.com/coffeehouse/becoming-mum-pregnancy-996/netmums-52/778956-quick-reply-please-baby-movements-rules.html

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